শুক্রবার, ২৫ মার্চ, ২০১১

Essential Bangladesh : Birds of Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a beautiful country. Birds have increased its beauty more. there are different types of birds in our country. They are different in colour, size and habit. They are divided into many classes. 

There are some great locations for bird watching in Bangladesh: forests, mountains, and even choice areas in and around most of the lakes.
DOEL (Magpie Robin)

The Doel, the national bird of Bangladesh, is a very sweet and attractive bird. The color of the bird is a mixture of black and white. The Doel is one of the more common birds about towns and villages. Shy, silent and unobtrusive during non-breeding season, then skulking in shrubbery and only uttering plaintive sweep and harsh churn. Conspicuous during breeding time when male sings lustily from pet tree-top or post, chiefly early mornings and late afternoons. Song punctuated by in the air jerks of white fringed tail. Also very good mimic of other birds' calls. propagation territories jealously guarded, and interfering males defied with puffing- out, blustering and much show of pugnacity.

The bird becomes calm during the non-breeding period, but during the breeding period the chap pamper in uncomfortable gasping out of upper body, pointing invoice easily skyward, and boasting and posturing in front of enemy. The male vigorously protect his field through the procreation time. It sings with its wings fairly sagging and tail depressed. Its song is a spirited, clear, rather thin and varied whistling, and is divided in short phrases repeated over and over again, occasionally interlarded with mimicry of calls of other birds. The bird feeds on a variety of insects, snails, earthworms, centipedes, small lizards, and some vegetable matter. It breeds during February-July. The peak breeding season is in April and May

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